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14 projects - potential reasonns of the world catastrophe
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 13:58
Greenpeace published a report on the eve of "point of no return" , which collected information on 14 industrial projects around the world that are considered the most environmentally hazardous in terms of impact on the climate. Publication of the study is dedicated to the opening of January 23 at the annual Davos economic forum.
The list of environmental projects were solely for the extraction of fossil fuels:

oil sands in Canada and Venezuela,
deepwater drilling in Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico,
expansion of coal mining in the United States, Australia, Indonesia and the western provinces of China,
shale gas production in the U.S.
expansion of oil and gas in the Caspian Sea,
Gas production in Africa,
Oil production in Iraq
run oil and gas in the Arctic shelf.

They are marketed by Shell, BHP Billion, Peabody, Enbridge, «Gazprom», Cairn Energy, Petrobras and BP. According to the report, these projects by 2020, greenhouse gas emissions will increase by 6.34 billion tons per year, or 20% compared to current levels. So environmentalists say, the government will not be able to fulfill the terms of the Kyoto Protocol, which obliges to keep climate change within the 2 degrees Celsius. "This list - evidence hypocrisy of governments that talk about climate change and at the same time promote the giant projects, contributing to the problem, "- said Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace, who came to Davos to meet with representatives of business and government. "Russia now ranks fourth in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. If we start to produce hydrocarbons in the Arctic, our contribution to climate change will be a truly catastrophic - the head of the energy program Greenpeace Vladimir Chuprov. - In addition, we will assign the status of raw materials for the developed and developing countries, rather than to develop new ones, including "green technologies", and to improve energy efficiency. Our contribution to the global catastrophe in the fact that the supply of energy we stimulate consumption in other countries. " According to the International Energy Agency, if you save the current amount of greenhouse gas emissions, by 2050 the planet warmed by an average of 3.5-4 degrees . Meanwhile, Greenpeace, in turn, believe that in the case of implementation of the above projects global temperature will rise by 5 degrees. Point of no return will be passed until 2020, after which control the climate change will be impossible. Moreover, experts Greenpeace, then mankind would not be able to control climate change, which will lead to natural disasters, shortage of drinking water and food crises. Kumi Naidoo urges world to abandon plans to expand the production of fuel, and actively develop renewable energy projects. This is quite a realistic goal, for example, in 2011, one-third of the world's growth in electricity given renewable energy. How to move from a catastrophic model of energy development for "green," explains the study Greenpeace Energy [R] evolution - 2012. "This is a project for the extraction of fossil fuels, the implementation of which will lead to a sharp increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere - said "Age" co environmental group "Ecodefense" Vladimir Slivyak. - If all the projects will work - greenhouse gas emissions will increase by 20%. This is approximately equal to the annual emissions of the U.S., who share with China the dubious leadership of emissions in the world. This rapid growth in emissions will deprive the world of possibilities to keep climate change within a warming of 2 degrees. It is believed that these limits start at the most severe and irreversible consequences - climate begins to rapid and unpredictable change. Direct effects of sharp fluctuations are human lives and fantastic loss "- warns ecologist.

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